Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy Three Kings

How do you celebrate Three kings?Just like christmas before the clock strikes at 12 we hang our socks and put our shoes at the window awaiting for the Tatlong Hari(3 kings) to pass by expecting them to put something inside. During my childhood years I remember I was the last one to go to sleep coz i was excited to see what they looked liked , curious as I was, i slept near the door thinking i would be awaken when the door opens but alas when I woke up i forgot that i was wearing my shoes. I did cry a lot at that time.Anyway my other sister was good enough to put my socks so i still got my candies.Time surely flies ,I missed those years.HAPPY THREE KINGS TO ALL>>>>>>.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog. We celebrated the feast of the Three Kings as well, like a little Christmas, no presents though. But what a great little memory you have of your childhood. Your mum is right keep praying. Happy Three Kings to you as well.

  2. That's an interesting custom! I've never heard of it but how much fun to celebrate as a child. Your sister was thoughtful to watch out for you! I'm glad you still got your candy!
